Tooth decay is a progressive dental health issue that usually arises from poor oral hygiene, a diet rich in refined sugars and acids, or both. When your dentist detects decay, they will likely resort to a composite dental filling once the decay has been removed. A composite filling will reinforce and strengthen your tooth in a way that is natural in appearance and long-lasting. Dental patients in the San Jose, California area trust their oral health to Dr. Natalie Provenzano and her skilled Team. There are several facts about composite fillings that you may not be aware of, so let’s look at some things that you may not know about composite resin fillings.
Silver amalgam metal fillings were the norm before composite resin came along as a suitable material for fillings. These amalgam filings contained mercury and a mixture of other metals such as chromium and beryllium. Some people receiving amalgam fillings would have allergic reactions to the metals contained within. After receiving an amalgam filling, rashes, swelling, or even minor burns in soft tissue were all reactions observed by dentists in certain patients.
Composite fillings are composed of different materials, none metallic, and have yet to be linked to any significant allergic reaction or negative side effect. Even dentists who are considered holistic use this form of filling due to the body’s natural acceptance of the material. When you go in for your next filling, ensure your dentist offers composite resin fillings.
Metal amalgam fillings are not bonded to your teeth. A good comparison of how an amalgam filling is placed is similar to how a pothole in the middle of the road is filled. The metal amalgam is placed into the filling without actually being bonded to the tooth. Because of this, and in combination with amalgam’s reaction to hot and cold foods, the filling material can expand and contract. That leads to further damage to the tooth over time.
When you receive a composite resin filling, it is bonded to the tooth, forming a strong reinforcement that will leave your tooth protected.
If you are interested in learning more about composite resin fillings or believe you have a cavity that needs to be filled, please call our team at Natalie K. Provenzano DDS, Inc today at (408) 226-2542.
Dr. Natalie Provenzano
Dr. Or Simel