Congratulations on your diligent flossing, brushing, and otherwise caring of your oral health at home. However, while this care is vital for your smile, it’s never a substitute for dental appointments. Dental checkups are crucial for checking early signs of oral problems and cleaning hard-to-reach surfaces in your mouth. At Natalie K. Provenzano DDS, Inc., we offer regular dental exams and cleanings to ensure your oral health stays in optimal condition at all times.
Like the American Dental Association (ADA), Dr. Natalie Provenzano recommends seeing a dentist at least twice every year. The frequency may even be higher if you have comorbidities (like diabetes) or are at a higher risk of gum disease, perhaps due to genetics. But what actually happens during a dental checkup? Let’s explore so that your next visit can be a smooth one.
The receptionist is the first person to meet during a typical dental appointment. She coordinates your booking, handles payment, and makes things flow smoothly for your comfort. After a warm reception, the below procedures are handled by Dr. Provenzano and the team:
Are you thinking of skipping the upcoming dental appointment? Shelve this thought: Dental appointments only take a few minutes of your busy schedule but save you tons of costs, time, and pain down the road.
What are the most critical dates you can’t afford to miss in life? Your birthday? Your wedding anniversary? Or perhaps, it’s a new movie premiering on Netflix? While these things are important, add one more thing to your calendar: your dental appointment. While many things may have to give in your busy schedule, let it not be your smile. Here are reasons you should never miss your bi-annual dental checkups:
Is it time to see a dentist again? Lucky you, because if you are near San Jose, CA, you don’t have to travel out of the area to get the dental care you deserve. All you need to do is dial (408) 226-2542 to book an appointment with Natalie K. Provenzano DDS, Inc.
Dr. Natalie Provenzano
Dr. Or Simel