Natalie K. Provenzano DDS, Inc. offers bone grafting services to improve dental stability and function while maintaining facial shape and esthetics. Adding volume and density to your jawbone improves your dental health and makes you eligible for dental procedures like dental implants.
Have you been told you need a bone graft in San Jose, California? There’s no one better to perform the procedure than our in-house Oral Surgeon, Dr. Or Simel. With over 20 years of experience in dentistry, our Team will expertly rebuild your bone to support your oral health now and in the future.
Your teeth help you with more than chewing and looking beautiful. Your teeth naturally stimulate your jawbone to support its growth. If you lose teeth due to injury, decay, or disease, the areas with missing teeth experience bone resorption in your jaw.
You might think you have enough time to save your bone after tooth loss. Unfortunately, the process starts immediately after you lose your pearly whites. Within the first year of tooth loss, most people lose about 25% of bone in the toothless area.
Bone grafting can replace the lost bone to stabilize the upper or lower arch. Anyone with bone loss may benefit from bone grafting. Dr. Provenzano may recommend bone grafting in the following cases:
Bone grafting involves taking dental graft material from another source and adding it to the area with bone loss. Dental grafts can come from your body (autogenous), animal tissue (xenograft), or human donors (allograft). Sometimes, your bone graft can be lab-made (alloplastic graft). Your doctor will walk you through the options and choose the one that best fits your unique needs.
Before bone grafting, your dentist undertakes a comprehensive dental exam using digital X-rays and 3D scans to determine areas that need grafting. The dental grafting procedure is an outpatient procedure that takes about 45 minutes. After administering local anesthesia, we make a small incision on the gums to expose your bone. We then add the graft to your bone and stitch it to kick-start healing. During healing, the bone graft material will integrate with the jawbone, improving bone density and promoting bone regeneration. After surgery, most patients take a few days to recover, but your treatment needs three to six months for full bone integration to occur.
Have you been told you can’t benefit from dental implants because of insufficient jawbone? Is your face looking older than you are because of a sunken jaw?
Natalie K. Provenzano DDS, Inc. can change your situation for the better. Call (408) 226-2542 to schedule your appointment today!
Dr. Or Simel