Wisdom teeth are the last molars to erupt, usually for patients aged 17-21. While some patients can live with wisdom teeth without problems, others aren’t so lucky. Wisdom teeth, or third molars, erupt when other teeth have already grown. As a result, there is usually not enough space for healthy growth. Wisdom teeth can cause pain, overcrowding, infection, cysts, and other problems, warranting removal.
Natalie K. Provenzano DDS, Inc. offers gentle yet effective wisdom removal services to maintain optimal oral health. Whether your wisdom tooth is impacted or has broken through the gums, our in-house oral surgeon, Dr. Or Simel, of San Jose, California, will comfortably remove your tooth in our office.
It depends! If your wisdom tooth has fully erupted, the doctor will remove it with a simple extraction. Here, the dentist numbs your gums with local anesthesia before using special tools and skills to pull out your tooth from its socket.
If your tooth is impacted (trapped beneath the gum line), the dentist will administer surgical extraction or disimpaction. Before this procedure, the doctor will precisely anesthetize your gums and possibly administer sedation dentistry for optimal comfort.
To perform this surgery, the doctor makes a small incision on the gums and partially removes the underlying bone to access the trapped tooth. The doctor often breaks the tooth into fragments for easier removal. After removing every piece, the dentist cleans and stitches the area to kick-start healing.
After removing your wisdom teeth, post-treatment care is essential to prevent health complications during recovery. Observe the tips below for faster recovery after wisdom tooth removal.
Don’t let a dysfunctional wisdom tooth compromise your oral health. Instead, schedule an appointment with Drs. Natalie Provenzano and Or Simel for expert tooth extraction services.
Call (408) 226-2542 to reserve an appointment today. We can’t wait to see you live a happy, pain-free life.
Dr. Or Simel